Privacy Policy
Requirements and privacy:
• (Marjan Factory Company) owns and operates this site (, Knowing that Marjan Factory Company for fiberglass products is a Saudi limited liability company established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia- Dammam- Second Industrial Zone
According to the commercial registration no: 2050032615
• Upon you register with (Marjan Factory Company) forms, you agree to receive any emails related to our company’s promotional offers.
• Upon you register with (Marjan Factory Company) forms, you agree to communicate with you by phone or through text messages or the communication program “WhatsApp”, through your registered mobile number sent by you.
• (Marjan Factory Company) has full access to edit the site or its policies and conditions.
• Merely for your visit to (Marjan Factory Company) site, even if you are not registered with us, you agree to the current terms and conditions, and if you do not agree to them, we ask you to stop using this site.
• (Marjan Factory Company) site adheres to the Maximum protection of your data.
• Please note that your data will never be sold, used, or displayed to any party with or without payment.
Responses and comments:
• all comments and All reviews on the site and social media platforms are to the owners who expressed them, so they do not reflect our opinions
• ( Marjan Factory Company) site has full access in adopting all opinions and comments which have been written inside the site or through our accounts on social media sites.
• Marjan Factory Company site prevents the usage of bad words and will take the necessary measures when using these words.
• All copyright is reserved for (Marjan Factory Company), including that information, pages design or its divisions, texts
and innovative software developments, which are subject to copyright laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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